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최근에 올라온 글


IT용어 / 2015. 9. 21. 10:53

아마존 세미나에서 Den 이 사용하던 Proactive 라는 단어에 대해서 무엇일까 검색 해보던 와중에 

좋은 글을 찾게 되어 정리 해둡니다. 

영어 공부에 대한 필요성을 요즘 절실히 느끼고 있지만 열심히 하진 못하고 있다.

자극도 받고 있는데  바쁘다는 핑계로.. 

조금씩이나마 동영상 강좌로 기초만 쌓은 후 학원을 다녀야겠다..

Proactive 하게..!!!


네이버 사전으로 검색해봤더니 사람. “정책이 상황을 앞서서 주도하는사전 대책을 강구하는.”이라고 나오네요.


풀이하자면 active 능동적으로 무엇인가를 하는 사람인 반면 proactive 그것 보다 능동적인  먼저  뿐만 아니라 리스크나 해결책에 대해서까지도 먼저 생각을 하고 준비하는 것을 말합니다외국회사 홈페이지에 들어가서 Job search 해보세요많은 포지션들이 나올 텐데요 job description 또는 job qualification 부분을 자세히 읽어 보시면아마 proactive 단어가 없는 내용을 찾을 수는 없을 것입니다그만큼 proactive  사람을원한다는 것인데요예와 함께 자세히 설명 드리겠습니다 용어는 인터뷰 시에도 요긴하게 사용할  있는 단어니 반드시 기억하시기 바랍니다.


Proactive 단어가 가지는 잔인함과 (못된 의미긍정적인 의미를 같이 설명하겠습니다.어느 조직에서 일을 하던지 같은  물어보고  물어보고 알려줘도  물어보는 사람을 보면 짜증이 슬슬 나기 시작하죠하지만 정이 뭔지  하고 넘어 가는 것이 한국의 정서입니다하지만 이것도 예전 일이라 지금과 같이 급변하는 환경에서는 사라져 가고 있는 것이 현실이죠.

나는 바빠 죽겠는데 옆에서밑에서위에서 자꾸 물어보고결정을 해달라고 하고문제 생기면 해결해 달라고 하는 상황이 계속 발생하면 어떨까요   나겠습니까그래서proactive 말을 적절하게  사용하는 겁니다. Proactive 사람은요 (자꾸  점수는요이게 생각이 납니다..) 나를 귀찮게 하지 않습니다그리고 나를 도와줍니다  해도스스로 알아서 일을 찾아내고문제를 보고 하고내가 의사결정   있다면 알려주고편하겠네요그래서 이런 사람을 선호하는 것입니다  하기도 바쁜데 남들까지 가르쳐주고  여유가 없으니 그런 사람을 뽑는다는 의미 입니다.


 다른 의미로는 proactive 사람을 필요로 하는 포지션은요많은 것을   있다는 것이고 변화와 협력이 다양한 조직에서  한다는 의미입니다 내가 뭔가를 주체적으로  있다는 것이죠책임과 권한을 동시에 준다는 의미입니다 시키는 것만 잘하면 된다는군대식 사고 방식이 아니라 자발적인 의지와 판단으로 일을   있다는 것입니다.


간단한 예를 하나 들어 보겠습니다같이 일을 하던 개발자가 있었습니다. Wireframe(상세설계) 보고 그기에 맞는 기능을 구현하면 되는 것이죠대부분의 개발자는 상당히 수동적입니다일단   있는 것도 어렵다시간이 많이 걸린다  쉽게   있는 것들도 처음에  보면 이렇게 표현을 합니다저도 초기 개발자 생활을   그랬었습니다지금 생각해보면 많이 부끄럽네요하지만 프로액티브한 개발자는 그렇지 않습니다틀린 부분이나미처 생각하지 못한 부분을 발견하면 이슈를 제기합니다 좋은 방법이 있고 테스트를 해봤더니  작동하더라그래서 바꾸는 것이 어떻겠냐 하는 것이죠내가 개발하는 서비스에대한 책임감과  나은 서비스를 위해서 주인 의식을 가지고 피드백을 주면서 개발합니다.역할을 나눠서 내가 맡은 부분만 하는 것이 아니라 다른 role 가진 사람이 해야  것들도같이 챙겨주는 배려와 리더쉽을 함께 가진거죠.


하지만 웃기는 상황도 발생합니다이것을 이해하지 못하는 일부는  권한을 침범하느냐,  일만 해라나대는 거냐 이런 식으로 생각할 수도 있습니다정말  못된 커뮤니케이션 방식입니다개인의 스콥을 떠나서 전체의 목적에 도움이 되는 진솔한 피드백과 의견은받아 들여야 합니다우리 모두가 그런 사람이 되어야 하는 것이 정답입니다자신의 권위,자신의 이익만 생각하는 사람들에게 proactive 왜곡되어 지게 됩니다.

[출처] Proactive|작성자 세배

출처 : http://blog.naver.com/iamcomming/70104492660


Posted by 비내리는사막
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출처 : http://devops.com/2014/11/24/amazon-aws-best-practices-enterprise-perspective/

Amazon AWS has changed the IaaS game for startups and growth companies. There are several practices we must acknowledge the importance of during the adoption and implementation of AWS services. Readers are more than welcome to comment, suggest modifications and even add their own little practices they follow during roll outs and implementations. As clients start piloting cloud initiatives it is best to avoid common pitfalls. The below best practices are a good first step in that effort. Below we have compiled a top ten list to be expanded in the future of best practices we have learned during our aws deployments. We look forward to expanding this list in the future.

1.   Choose your VPC infrastructure carefully

a. As you move into the AWS environment often the first thing firms want to do is create a VPC, the question is what type of architecture is appropriate for you?  The answer to this question is driven by the intended use case.  Often internet based organizations will opt to go with a VPC containing Public and Private Subnets. Opting for this type of VPC ensures the services that don’t require direct access to the internet are in a segregated subnet while locating public services access to the public subnet.

b.   Existing enterprise firms intending to burst into the cloud often don’t intend to utilize public facing services and may opt instead for private only subnet and create a secure tunnel between their enterprise and the public cloud.

c.   The architecture with the greatest flexibility tends to be a public/private subnet ensuring the public subnet is available if necessary and can remain unpopulated if not needed.

2.   CIDR Block Selection is driven by two realities: VPC address space is fixed and can’t be changed after it is created.

a.Ensure your VPC address space doesn’t overlap with your corporate space, for internet based firms this is less of an issue, however for enterprise firms this can prevent the need to rebuild the environment after a significant investment in time and resources

b. While AWS allows CIDR blocks to be as large as /16 don’t waste space, having several very large subnets reduces one flexibility as needs arise to support multi-AZ services, or other eventual requirements.  On the other hand don’t overly constrain your environment.

3.   Environment Isolation is an important consideration, the same isolation that’s present in the physical environment should be present in the cloud environment.  The cloud give firms more flexibility in implementation of this isolation, in an effort to control cost, development, integration/test and production environments can be registered under separate accounts ensuring accurate billing and cost controls.

4.   Security: Use security groups to isolate services and management rules

a. Separate public traffic from private using subnets

b. Create a SSH gateway as an entry point for SSH communication

c. Create a VPN tunnel for management access

5.   VPC/Enterprise Integration

When integrating AWS into an existing enterprise environment planning will ensure minimal rework.  Often the key consideration is assigning IP ranges to AWS that do not overlap with the corporate space.  In this way routing between the corporate LAN and AWS will be seamless.

6. IAM: The primary AWS account should be treated like the traditional root user in Linux systems.

a. Create a separate account specifically for administration, with the minimum permissions necessary to perform the task at hand.

b. Create separate accounts for each user, or service to ensure audit traceablity

c. Permissions should be assigned to groups and users to the group, this will minimize duplication of effort

d. All users should utilize strong passwords, in this case refer to your corporate password policy.  Cloud passwords should be as secure as the corporate infrastructure.

e. Don’t share credentials this will wreck audit traceability, and corporate policy, use roles to assign permissions.

f.  Rotate credentials on a regular basis, the same way corporate credentials are rotated.

7.   Disaster Recovery :Remember Disaster Recovery is designed to get backup after a failure.  Traditional enterprise environments are often limited by the question do we need to building a duplicate system for recovery or can we through vendor SLAs perform a data recovery.  In terms of the cloud enterprise customers are able to (at a lower cost) duplicate their environments across availability zones, regions and vendors to create an exceptionally resilient service offering.

a. Do create multiple availability zones.

b. Do use an automated CM tool to maintain your configurations

c. Do create snapshot of your volumes.

d. Do run drills to ensure everything operates as it was architected.

e. Do run drill more than once.

f. Do ensure everyone relevant is aware of the procedure

g. Do architect you environment with sufficient redundancy, to minimize the need recovery efforts.

8.   Security Groups: Security Groups like traditional firewalls should be set with the least permission necessary to accomplish the mission.

a. Decide on a security group methodology; by creating groups to manage access to services ie allow access to ports 80 and 443 for nodes that will be a web server.

b. Create a ssh gateway/ Bastion node and group:

i. Only allow external SSH access to the SSH Gateway

ii.Only allow local SSH access from within a security group, or from the gateway node, this minimized an attackers ability to traverse the networks between zones.

c. Define an enterprise naming convention and stick to it.

d.Utilize the ability to assign multiple security groups to a single asset (up to 5 groups per asset).

9.   Naming Conventions: AWS assets should be named in such a way they can be readily identified, a suggested standardization around the purpose of the Instance, its environment, its region, and its sequence number.  An example of this might be haddop_dn_prod_usw1_001, this represents a production Hadoop data node, in the US-West 1 region.

a. When naming an AMI its a good practice to include the creation date as part of its name, and a complete description. This will minimize confusion when selecting ami for new instances.

b. When naming security groups and key pairs, continue to use the convention purpose, environment, region, function.  For example db_prod_usw1_key or ws_prod_usw1_sg

10. Elastic Load Balancing: Use multiple availability zones to balance traffic in the event of an environment failure (this can still happen within the cloud)

a. Use Route53 to balance traffic between regions, this is not supported by ELB

b. Use ELBs for more than just web traffic, most any protocol can be supported by the ELB, ensure your service can support it

c. ELB timeout after 40 seconds, ensure your application touches the socket before then to prevent the session from timing out.

These are my top 10.  Let me know what you think I missed.

Posted by 비내리는사막
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가장 대표적인 도메인은 .com 이다. 

그 뒤로는 .net 국가코드를 따르는 경우들도 존재하고..

국내의 경우 .com 다음으로 많은 것은 .co.kr 일 것이다.

도메인은 이름마다 나름의 이유가 존재한다. 

.xyz의 경우는...

" .XYZ 레지스트리인 XYZ.COM LLC는 신규 도메인 시장에서 닷컴과 같은 주요 도메인으로 자리매김하기 위해 다양한 마케팅을 진행하고 있다. X세대부터 Y, Z세대까지 모든 연령대와 문화를 아우르는 일반 도메인으로 자리매김하겠다는 의지다. "

라고 합니다.. 만!

제일 중요한건 .com / .net의 경우 쓸만한 도메인을 찾기가 정말 어려웠다.

cloud로 밥먹고 살텐데, Cloud가 들어간 무언가가 좋지 않을까? 라는 생각으로 검색..

마땅한건 다 등록 되어있고... ".xyz" 이건 뭐지? 가격이 1,200원!? 

그렇다.. 결국은 가격 때문인거다..

해외에서도 $1.6 정도로 구입 할 수 있다고 한다.

덕분에 이렇게 워드프레스에서 티스토리로 전향하는 것을 고민하고 있다.

Posted by 비내리는사막
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